Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fun with Underoath Part 1

The first time I shot Underoath was last year the the Fillmore NY. I'm down in the photo pit, that neutral area between audience and stage, waiting for the band to come out. I've got my two D700s and 30 pounds of lenses strapped around my neck. I'm tired, it's been a long day.

The lights go out; the audience screams; the bands charges on stage like the small army they are. I don't know what lead singer Spencer does backstage, but he must have a treadmill or something back there, because he comes out already soaked in sweat. His long hair is positively dripping. He runs up to the front of the stage, whips his head back, then forward sending a spray of sweat flying. I don't know how much of it made it to his intended target - the audience - because I'm pretty sure all of it landed on me.

Then he takes a big swig of water and spits that out in a spray, soaking us hapless photographers a second time. What the heck, it washes some of the sweat off.

When I get home, my wife says "wow, must have been hard work, I can smell how hard you were sweating."

I give her a sickly grin. "Actually, it's not my sweat."

That one takes some explaining.

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